My DH left on his business trip already and will be gone the whole week. Have I mentioned how much I hate it when he is gone :) LOL but I hate it even worse when we have a severe snow storm! He is off golfing and wearing shorts and we are here F.R.E.E.Z.I.N.G ~ Just sayin ;)~
Guess what?!!?! I learned how to make corn bags this weekend! I have NEVER....I repeat NEVER sewn anything! Not a button, not a hem, Nada Zip Zilch!!! But I made about 20 of these corn bags!!! :) HA! I know that so many of you are very talented at the sewing machine and are cracking up at me but it's ok!! I can handle it! Here are a few that I made :)
This weekend was an excellent message at church on Fear! I felt the Lord prompting me to spend time with the kids afterwards and talk to them about their fears. Once they shared their fears, we laid them at the Foot of the Cross and spoke Gods Word over them! It was such a powerful and wonderful time! Truly, God did NOT give us a Spirit of Fear but of Power, Love and a Sound Mind! 2 Tim 1:7
Here are some pics of my Sweet Grandbabies and their Papa! (my honey)
Isn't he soo handsome!
Rylee loves her bruverrr!! :)
Happy Monday! How was your weekend? I pray you have a blessed week my friends ♥