Yesterday the kids were out of school which is always a happy event around our house! My daughter and I went to have lunch with my Mom at one of our favorite restaurants and then shopped a little bit before we picked our my granddaughter Rylee for the night. I splurged and got an IC Mocha @ Panera .... this isn't exactly on my menu plan nor is it LOW in calories! Having missed my morning work out I told my daughter that I HAD to do something when we got home so that all those calories didn't pack on more weight!
One of the gifts I got for Christmas was a new WII game called Just Dance 2. Let me tell you guys...this game is SO.MUCH.FUN!
Jenna had some friends over and they joined in and of course Rylee had to dance too :) Not only did we have a blast but wow, did I get a work out!! I was sweating something awful LOL and we did it for a full hour before we even knew it! Time just flies by!
This is a game that you just mind find me doing on my own :)~
Do you have a WII, or a PS3 Move, or an Xbox Kinnect? What is your favorite game? Have you ever danced to this Game?? What were your thoughts ??
Have a blessed Tuesday my friends! Love you all!!