The following is another story from the Devotional ~ Voices of the Faithful Book 2.....
The Rest of the Story
I know that all God does will last forever; there is no adding to it or taking from it. God works so that people will be in awe of HIM Ecc 3:14 (HCSB)
When "LIN" became a Christian, her outlook on life changed greatly as she found hope and strength to care for her elderly mother. She was anxious to share her faith with her family members, so we gave her a copy of a movie called Good News to show her mother.
Watching the movie, the mother's eyes grew wide. She suddenly exclaimed, "I have heard this story before! When I was a very young girl, a foreigner came into our village and told us the story of the Most High God who created the heavens, the earth, and everything on the earth. He came back another time and told us about a flood that covered the entire earth."
Evidently a foreign missionary during the 1940's brought the Gospel story to her village, but then disappeared forever. The timetable of his visit coincided with the civil war, which resulted in foreigners being expelled from the country.
The elderly mother said, "But the foreigner never told me that God had a SON!" At last she had heard the rest of the story and immediately expressed her desire to follow Christ. After 75 years of waiting, this mother joyfully came to faith in Jesus.
Seeds sown by one of the faithful sprouted that day. He is faithful.
L.M.R. East Asian Peoples
What about you ~ are you sewing seeds today?
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Love and Blessings