Happy Monday Friends! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend - I sure did! We had some amazingly warm weather! It was at least 90 degrees on Sunday. It has definitely been the topic of conversation. No matter where you go or whether you know that person beside you or walking by, you will most likely find yourself in a conversation regarding the HEAT, and it always comes with this statement.... "This is ONLY March or as of yesterday, This is only April 1st!! What happened to our Spring?"
We took advantage of the warm weather and worked in our yard. We planted 10 trees, and started clearing out an area for a new flowerbed. Working in our yard together is something my husband and I LOVE doing together! We planted some Maple trees and Dogwoods too. We are going to have to pull some stumps out sometime this week. Brian had to pull the trees down because we were afraid they were going to fall on our house or worse, our neighbors, but the stumps remained. It was quite a funny event watching him and the kids pull them down! We laughed & laughed! We have just one more tree to do and I would expect this to be just as comical.... TIMBERRRRRRRR! ;)
On another note, can you believe Easter is this weekend? A lot of the churches in our town had HUGE egg hunts this past weekend. Some even had a helicopter fly over, dropping eggs for the kids. It is pure egg chaos!!
Our church (Lifechurch.tv) just opened the doors of our new, completely paid for building. The goal to be moved in was Easter weekend but Praise the Lord, it was complete way before :)
What a special week this is...Celebrating ♥ JESUS, Our Risen Savior ♥
How will you spend your Easter weekend?
The Wintered Tree
18 hours ago