WAHOO!!! We are in our last full week of School! Bring on the Hot Days of Summer!I am so looking forward to no schedules and just having my kids at home :) I know this week will fly by and I can't wait because my husband and I leave this weekend to celebrate our 19th Anniversary! We found a beautiful place in Hermann Missouri last year and fell in love and will most likely return there again and again!
I spent the night with my MIL at the hospital last night. We found out that they had started giving her some medication for dillusional patients. They claim it was to CALM her. So, we told them to discontinue and will have someone with her at all times. I just sat with her, praying and watching her gasp for air. This is a horrible disease... As time goes by you literally have to choose between eating and breathing and it is so sad to watch. My sweet MIL has come to that point and it breaks my heart because I know we are on the downhill of time with her. She had an overall good night but the nurses just won't let a person alone, they are continually checking, prodding. I know they are doing their jobs but we as a family just want so badly to be able to move her to the assisted living so she can be a nice and comfortable atmosphere and not be given any medicine that will just make her act crazy and even feel crazy. Please pray for her today? Thankyou.
This week will be easy in the kitchen and before we know it....It will be Friday.
Monday ~ Blackened Chicken Alfredo, Salad, breadsticks
Tuesday ~ taco salad
Wednesday ~ grilled cheese and tomato and/or chicken noodle soup
Thursday ~ paninis & chips
Thanks to you Mom and Papa for taking the kids over this memorial day weekend, for making wonderful memories with your grandchildren. We appreciate you both so much for letting us go and celebrate together :) Your da beeest !!!! Love you xxxxoooo