I have some devotionals that I use daily. One of those that I love is Joyce Meyer's "Starting and Ending your Day"
This actual devotion is in August but I know there are times I will look specifically for something I want to look deeper within and allow the Lord to illuminate those things that need to be revealed in me.
Hebrews 12:15
Be careful that no one fails to receive God's grace and begins to cause trouble among you. A person like that can ruin many of you.
Jesus said, "If you have faith and do not doubt....even if you say to this mountain, Be taken up and cast into the sea, it will be done. And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21:21-22 emphasis mine)
Don't misuse the power of words by talking too much without faith or talking too little about your faith. Choose kind and gentle words that lift people and quiet gossip and strife. Believe that Gods' grace will prevail through what you say.
August 3rd Entry: by Joyce Meyer.
My prayer ~
Give us boldness Lord and balance. Let us know when to speak and when to be quiet. May we always believe YOUR Grace will prevail and not allow Fear to hold us back! When dealing with a difficult situation may we have discernment and walk in YOUR Love and Compassion yet set those healthy boundaries at the same time.
Have a blessed weekend my friends! Please visit Spiritual Sundays! Thank you Charlotte and Ginger for hosting this wonderful place filled with Godls love and hope each and every week!
Azalia Trails.
3 hours ago