My Son had his cooking class. On the Menu:
Homemade pasta with Pesto Sauce
Polenta which was really good!
Wouldn't you know....I forgot my camera! :( I hate that! **sigh**
Saturday evening we had a game night with our friends. 16 years ago when Jenna was 2 she went to a Mothers Day out class. There were 6 little girls and all of us Moms got to know one another. As the years passed we were all in the same "care group" at our church. While some of us have changed churches and no longer attend with one another our friendship has remained. Why?
Because the Lord is at the heart of our friendships. There truly is a bond there that only God has given. I know that no matter what I could count on any of these friends ~ That is such a gift!!

We laughed and laughed while we played the game Loaded Questions:

The object: Ask a question. Listen to all the answers and see if you can determine who gave which answer. Not as easy as it sounds! Some people might not be honest in their answering ....just to throw you off ;) Here is Kris hiding his answer from everyone! He was our Chef for the evening....He made Ribs and Pulled Pork that was absolutely TO.DIE.FOR!


We all got together to celebrate Janet's birthday :) Happy Birthday Janet

Joe and Janet, Tammy & Stacey, and Brian and I....Not pictured: Connie & Kris ~ Our hosts for the evening

My Ornery Man....Love Him so much! Keeps us all in stitches for sure ♥

Sunday was Awesome @ Church.... Pastor Craig Groeschel started a new series: "I Quit!" Don't you just love it when the Lord weaves the same message no matter what it is you are doing? Remember I told you about the Winter Health Challenge? What is one of the KEY things Danny Cahill (Season 8 Biggest Loser Winner) spoke on? LOSE YOUR QUIT and Find your Why! Craig shared that we have to Quit making excuses when the Lord calls us to do something and to connect the Why spiritually to what God is calling you to do!!!
Today the kids are out of school and we get to have lunch with my Mom and then Pick up Rylee to spend the night. Only TWO MORE DAYS til my 2nd Grandbaby is here!! Can you hear me squealing ???? LOL I am sooo excited!
What about you? Did you have a good weekend? I pray you did! Love you all and may you have a Blessed Monday ♥