Sunday, December 27, 2009

Spiritual Sundays

I have been away from blogging, partly because I just couldn't write, partly because we traveled home and of course have been celebrating the Birth of our Lord Jesus. I am happy to be home and especially to be back with my MOM and Stepdad.

I have missed you all so very much!! I can't even begin to thank each one of you enough for your Love, your prayers and support! Your encouraging words have meant so very much to me and I am just overwhelmed at visiting some of your blogs and finding prayer requests and posts devoted to just that ~ asking for prayer for my family! God in YOU is so beautiful, so loving and kind! Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for being there for me. I know there are many who still need prayer ~ as one who has experienced your prayers I just want to encourage you to PLEASE KEEP IT UP!! The Lord hears the cries of your hearts and covers those who you are crying out for with what they specifically need! Your prayers are moving mountains, tearing down strongholds, pouring out comfort, bringing healing, giving love or peace .....just to name a few!!
Please know that PRAYER IS POWERFUL and don't ever doubt that

I love you all and am so glad to return to blogging knowing that I am in an army that is so very strong, yet so full of love! When one of us is down, there are many who will lend you a hand to help you back up, or to wipe away a tear or better yet love you while the tears are falling and listen oh so patiently while you grieve and mourn. As my dear friend Clif said

"A few years back I didn't even know what a blogger was. I didn't know and I didn't care.

Now I care!

I care because now blogger is not just a word. No, it's much more than that. Now when I think of bloggers I think of men and women, human beings--FRIENDS. Men and women who laugh, cry, hurt, bleed, dream, live life large--and sometimes die."

This is so very true....I didn't know having a blog meant having such a wonderful group of friends, prayer warriors and examples of Christ! I love you all! Please visit Charlotte and Ginger who host this wonderful and encouraging place called Spiritual Sundays They are godly women whom I love and adore! I know you will too :)

Love and Blessings