14 YEARS AGO I had THE sweetest Baby Boy EVER! His nickname when he was little was "Happy Happy Happy" because he was always smiling and just so darn happy! He's had other nick-names too ~ "Barista Boy" by all of the teachers at his school because he made them all coffee every single morning and knew JUST how they like it too! I could go on and on about this boy the Lord has blessed us with but hey....I know I know....I'm his momma ♥
OH how he loves the Lord!!! I've always told him that he has a heart like King David. Jantzen's baptism (sorry it's so blurry!)
He is an UH MA ZING Brother
He always knows how to make us laugh....even in the most difficult moments in life. This was driving to Florida when we had just received the news my Daddy had lung cancer and we had just lost my mother-in-law days prior. (yep, that's bubblegum)

He LOVES CANADA! Where this love comes from ...only the Lord knows!

He is an AWESOME Uncle! ♥

He is an Incredible Chef and a Very Successful Entrepreneur! He started his own company a few years ago making "dog biscuits and mutballs" and has earned enough along the way to purchase some very nice things! A Mac Computer for starters....WOW Jantz! We are soo proud of you!

He is the Favorite (and only) Grandson ;)
Yes, we are blessed that God has allowed us to parent this kind, funny and oh so generous young man that we call "Our Son"
Happy Birthday Jantzen.....You fill our hearts with Joy and Laughter, you inspire us to be better people and are an amazing example of loving and serving others above yourself! Phil 2! We are so very proud of you and all you have done and cannot wait to see even more of what God has in store for you! Jer 29:11. Your Daddy and I Love You soooo Much XOXO