Spiritual Sundays is hosted by Charlotte and Ginger! You will be blessed to visit, join in, or just say hello so go here and see what a wonderful place SS truly is!
If you have been reading my blog lately you know I joined a group of fun and very encouraging girls to do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. We are just beginning our 3rd week and I have been very faithful to work out each day only having rested one day out of two full weeks. To be honest taking the day of rest was wonderful but when i came back to work out the next day OH MY ~ it.was.awful. :)
There is a point in our video when Jillian is yelling, er I mean encouraging us that if we have been doing this workout for a week or more that we should be experiencing more endurance and strength. EVERY SINGLE TIME I hear her say this I immediately think about our spiritual walk. Only it differs somewhat than her example.
When I was a baby in Christ I loved being in the Word, being around those who loved the LORD, being in prayer. I was disciplined just like now, how I am working out. Don't get me wrong I didn't do these things because I had to, I did them because I LOVED the LORD and desired to "just be with HIM" learning more of who HE was. It is very true though ~ I do feel stronger but it didn't come after just a week of doing these things. I went through rough seasons, dry seasons, and at times would even question if I really knew anything at all but when the LORD showed me or allowed me to minister and HIS Word would just come up in me or HIS ways would flow out of me, THAT is when I see those things that are firmly planted in me and are bearing the fruit they have been growing all of these years.
HE is truly my Chief Cornerstone~ my Foundation and I am sooo thankful that I have been blessed by HIS grace and remained on HIS path. That HE keeps me so close and Strengthens me day by day, year after year. Just when you think you might have gone astray, HE will gather you in HIS arms and lead you right back to HIM...back safely in the shelter of the MOST HIGH GOD
I just felt like someone needed to be encouraged in their walk this week and that is why this continued to come up in my Spirit! Please know the LORD loves you and is ALWAYS WITH YOU! Even in those times you think HE is so far away....HE is there! Keep growing IN HIM!