Outside my window...cloudy and misting still. Cooler weather but I am very ready for FALL :)
I am thinking...How I just spent 4 hours doing pre-op this morning and within 30 min of being home received a phone call postponing my surgery until next Friday.....wondering what that is about but trusting the LORD has it all in HIS hands.
I am thankful for...talking to my Dad last night and hearing how good he sounded! He is taking it slow and steady but sounded soooo much better
I am wearing...capri jeans, black loafers and my black OSU rain jacket....GO POKES :)
I am remembering...how much I loved when the kids were babies! Seeing Krista with Rylee this weekend just takes me back to when mine were little and how I loved holding them and seeing each new development....sitting up, smiling, taking their first steps, saying mama or dada.....
I am creating...more time to be alone with my Heavenly Father, being in HIS WORD and in HIS Presence while the HOLY SPIRIT brings it all together bringing LIFE and an all consuming Fire!
I am going...to have more time to prepare now that my surgery was postponed and will be able to finish the book I am reviewing YAY!
I am reading...loads of good stuff!
I am hoping...my husband has a week filled with Strength, Assurance and Peace from the LORD, this is a VERY hectic week and he is out of town each day having meetings that are all on HIS turf so he says and he wants to do well! I have no doubt that he will do awesome and the LORD will lead and guide him through it ALL!
On my mind...so many people and situations.....
Pondering these words..."Being a mom does not define me. Neither does being a wife or a daughter. What defines me is my relationship with JESUS" Rachel Barkey on her website Death is not dying.
Around the house...still more organizing and now fall decorating can begin :)
One of my favorite things~ getting caught up at home and with my friends and family and here in blogsville! Hearing my dad on the phone sound soo much better.....
A few plans for the rest of the week: will be doing moms hair on Friday and getting some items put on Craigslist to sell, fall decorating and resting up from this past weekend
From my picture journal...
The many faces of Rylee :).....OH HOW I LOVE THIS LITTLE ONE!!

Love and blessings to you all!