I shared with you all yesterday that I was going to have lunch with my friends Tamara ~ who lives here and also, for the first time my bloggy friend Lori from Girly Muse. You know how you feel so connected to someone and then wonder when you meet, will it be the same? Is she all I thought ~ or will I live up to what she expected!!! Well, For me I can say that having lunch with these girls was a little moment in time that was pure Heaven. They both have tremendous hearts for the Lord and this time was just precious to me and only made me love them MORE!
Tamara lives here and we really haven't spent much time together. She recently had shoulder surgery and we have talked here and there but each time there was this instant connection. Clearly, we are both Sanguines and this means that when you meet us we are already your best friend and your gonna pretty much know and hear everything going on in our lives (like it or not LOL) I learned so much about her yesterday and know I have a friend for life and an accountablility partner for sure! I am thankful that we will have many more lunch dates, coffee dates and who knows what?? ;)
Lori ~ well let me just say this. She is the most adorable thing EVA!!!! My favorite thing ~ I was taller than her! JUST KIDDING...not about being taller but about that being my favorite part. I feel like I have known her all my life and am so thankful to have found her and her sweet family! Did I tell you she brought her Momma ~HONEY and her precious children! The infamous Greyley....OH my I have such a heart for this sweet girl! She is so talented ....she sings, she knits and is just as sweet in person as I imagined her to be. Then there is the precious Indigo. You just want to eat him up. He was in his own little boy world.... while we chatted away, every so often you would hear his make believe battleship flying into the air or an explosion occuring while the troops were running in to save the day...you know that world right :) I love it! Her momma ~ HONEY is just soo sweet and the Love of the Lord is ALL OVER HER! I was so very blessed to be able to meet all of them and one day I hope to be able to do it again and have wayyyyyyyyyy more time! Lori is sweeter than I ever could have made her out to be and so very genuine ~ You know ~ She is the Real Deal. A beautiful woman of God, an authentic friend who cares very much about you. I am so thankful to have had this time with her and look forward to many more visits....SOMEDAY SOMEHOW ~ THE LORD KNOWS
THIS IS US ......left to right ~ me, Lori and Tamara
Indigo ♥
Lori and her momma HONEY
Greyley ♥
I wish for everyone to be able to meet to bloggy friends someday....I have many more that I hope to hug their necks and share time with and hope the Lord will bless me with the opportunity and that you all will as well....It is such a gift to receive! Thankyou Lord and Thankyou Tamara, Lori, Honey, Greyley and Indigo! I will forever cherish this day
Breakfast with the President
5 hours ago