First ~ I MUST SAY A "♥HAPPY ANNIVERSARY♥" TO Clif and Charlotte! This Sunday they will celebrate 52 YEARS!! ISN'T THAT WONDERFUL!! I LOVE these TWO and they are just such a wonderful example to soo many of what marriage should be! Thank you both for glorifying the Lord in your lives and your marriage!!
So now, for Spiritual Sundays ~ go here to join in your own post or just read the many posts that bring glory and Honor to our Father!
Most everyone is familiar with YouTube right? But do you know there is a place on the Web called GodTube?? Well, I just found it and it has Christian music videos, Inspirational videos, Christian comedians, etc. Well, I believe we should help support sites such as this, don't you?
This is just one of the awesome videos they had in the Inspirational section: It is just so moving! Enjoy! Have a blessed weekend!