For my Birthday my sweet husband took me to a movie! I had read an article in "Community Spirit" about a Christian movie called "The Secrets Of Jonathan Sperry" It is by Two and Five Productions.
This movie is soooo wonderful and the messages are MANY! Gavin McLeod from the Loveboat plays a sweet elderly man who befriends a group of young boys inviting them over for "Bible Study" and gives them many life changing lessons about living and seeking Christ. Robert Guillaume (Benson) also plays in this movie as so I won't spoil anything I can't tell you much except that he is a cranky old man who turns away the love and help of one of these young men but the young man is persistant!
This sweet movie will speak volumes to all who go see this wonderful Family film! For anyone who has friends or family who don't know Christ PLEASE take them to see this movie!!! You and they will be SO GLAD YOU DID!
This movie as you can imagine does not have the Financial backing as many of the hollywood films do so it is showing in only select theatres but I would encourage you to support this film. To see the website go here

My friend Kat loaned me her copy of this wonderful book by Ron Hall and Denver Moore titled "What Difference Do It Make?"
If you read their first book called "Same Kind of Different As Me" you are familiar with their story. Ron is a White man, a professional and somewhat wealthy man married to a precious woman named Deborah. Denver is a homeless black man who never learned to read or write, he worked in cotton fields until one day he decided he was tired of working for "the man." He jumped on a train not knowing where he would end up. Through Divine Intervention and the Lord giving visions to Deborah in regards to meeting Denver and how he would change their community let alone their lives, they finally meet and grow in their relationship. This book shares with you a little more detail of how the first book came to pass but it also shares with us how it affected and changed people lives like me who read the book and how the Lord leads them to change and help the lives of the homeless. You know, I have a huge heart for ministry. I have been in ministry here in my hometown called "Standing in the Gap" I cut hair for these people who could not afford to have their hair cut each month. My family delivered food, prayed with these precious people and it touched all of us deeply. When I read the first book I could relate to the heart of this ministry but I have to be honest it is the spiritual aspect of both of these books that spoke to me. In the first book it is Deborah who is the prayer warrior and the one who as I said receives visions about meeting Denver. So many women as Ron says were afraid of the relationship Deborah had with the Lord and really didn't come around her much. In "What Difference Do it make?" it is Denver that just really shows me that loving the Lord and reading the Word is so simple. Just do what the Word says. He says to Ron "Mr. Ron, all these white folds be invitin us to the Bible Studies. How come none of em's invitin us to their Bible doins?"
He shares this "I notice a lotta folks doin more lookin at the Bible that doin what it says. The book of James says, don't just listen to what God has to say, do what HE says."
Denver and Ron share their journey since the death of the precious Deborah and how the Lord continues to grow and stretch them as friends and as individuals. They live together, travel together and love the Lord and share this message with anyone the Lord leads them to.
I highly recommend this book (or both if you haven't read the first one ) for anyone who has a heart for helping those in need. For anyone who wants to see a story of miracles and Gods hands at work through many divine appointments. For anyone who is struggling in their faith ~ read this! You will be inspired, you will be encouraged and amazed by your Heavenly Father and trust me ~ you will be changed!
To order this book please visit Thomas Nelson here