We are having the craziest winter ever! I can remember for soooo many Christmas' hoping and praying for a WHITE Christmas and well, they just didn't happen that often. This year it sure did! We got around 8" of snow on Christmas Eve and it was like an answer to prayer. Everyone was sooo happy! Well, let's just say the snow has continued off and on and when it comes it has been plentiful :) Well, for Valentines Day ~ one thing I have NEVER asked for or even thought to ask for ;) was a white Valentines Day but guess what! We got it! Here are a few pics from our back yard!
Also, I wanted to let you all know I am trying something! I have started a blog just for my book reviews. It's called
The ♥ of a bookworm. You can go here and read my Most recent review! Oh ya, FOLLow me if you want to okiedokie! Thanks everyone!
Happy Monday ~ we DH is gone again but will be home late tomorrow and the kids are out of school today so we are just chillaxin....My favorite kind of day!
Love and Blessing