It's Sunday and the Lord has fallen in Glory at our house this morning! It has been a little more than 2 years now maybe 3 that we left the "traditional church" and started attending a house church. At first it was one of the scariest things we had ever done because no one knew, (even the people who opened their house) what having or attending a house church looked like. But the journey has been truly one of the best, scariest, hardest and most wonderful things we as a family or me personally have ever done. We have learned that God is with us everywhere and we don't ever have to walk into a building or stand at an alter to lay our burdens down to Him, to ask Him forgiveness or to seek guidance is simply being with Him wherever you are. We learned that we had depended upon that and even depended up the wonderful sunday school teachers to teach our children and the pastor to teach us. so leaving a traditional church it was very evident to us where our walk was. The intimacy that the Holy Spirit craves with each and every person is so precious and for us to be still, to hear His voice, to operate in the gifts He had for each of us just wasn't happening. Please understand that I am not against a traditional church but in this season of our lives God has taken us, me, our family on this wonderful journey! He has surrounded us with people who have such a heart for Him, He has given us examples of the prophetic in minstry and in worship. God has shown me each day in a new way on a deeper level His love for me and because of this I am learning who I am in Him. It is humbling how when I look around me and see ALL God has done for me and for my family. To see my husband operate in his gift of wisdom and as a prophet is just so amazing because I was a wife who use to cry out to God that he could just be close to God. LOL boy did God hear me! To see my daughter oh my gosh operate prophetically absolutely astounds me-you hear about people who have a direct line to God well this child can "read your mail" as they say!! It's so exciting to experience! My son, well he is one who operates in the purest love of Christ. He truly has a heart like David. I heard a teacher (apostle) who said it like this....When God reaches down and meets you where you are with a love that only God can give you and speaks something to you (prophetically) that only God can know it affects you deeply. It changes you (hopefully) and it moves you from glory to glory!
We had a family meeting this morning and God fell on each and every one of us in Power and in Glory, he met us where we are....broken vessels, frustrated and weary but when He touches you like that it gives you strength, and hope, to get up and be about your Fathers business, yet again.
I heard a song that was written prophetically and just wanted to post these words. May they speak in the Power God meant for all of us to have:
The Banner Song of the Sacred Charge
The battle is raging
The Devil is raging
I don't want to be sleeping....wake me up Jesus
While the battle if raging
Give me eyes to see and ears to hear
For I don't fight as one who beats the air
give me eyes to see and ears to hear
I Put on the whole armor of Christ
I put on Christ
I make no provision for my flesh
Put on the whole armor of God
Leave no open door to darkness (I put on Jesus)
I take the scroll
I eat the scroll
Open up the my mouth and speak forth your Word
take the Sword of the Spirit
Blessed be the Lord my Rock
He trains my hands for battle
He trains my hands for war
I have the mind of Christ
I have the eyes of Christ, it doesn't have to be a blind battle
Jesus you delight to arm us with strength
Azalia Trails.
5 hours ago