Over the past year and maybe even as far back as 2 years I have gained quite a bit of weight. I would LOVE to say that having Rotator Cuff Surgery on BOTH Shoulders was part to blame. I could also say that it may have something to do with the Prednisone the doctor puts me on in hopes of relieving the joint pain I suffer with at times. I could go on and on, but the truth is, yes, I wasn't in a position to do much exercise while healing from the shoulder surgeries but I could have chosen a better way of eating or incorporating a walk into my day every single day! While on Prednisone, knowing that my hunger would increase (boy did it ever increase) I could have exchanged the sugar filled treats I consumed with fruits or something lower in calories and sugar.
Truth is... I was to blame. Nothing else. Just me. In late July I received a text from my Mom. She said she was wanting to lose some weight before a wedding we would be attending in August and asked if I would join her. As I read the text, I was upset and had my feelings hurt. After I had time to think about it, I KNEW my Mom wasn't intending on hurting my feelings IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. I also knew she was right on. I needed to lose weight. I happened to notice a new gym was offering a Weight Loss Challenge and I felt like this was exactly what I needed to do.
That was a little more than 8 weeks ago. I have since lost 12 lbs. and I have gone down 7 sizes in my jeans/shorts! I didn't win the Weight Loss challenge but I won a far better prize than what was offered. One day at a time, I am winning my body back. One day at a time I am winning emotionally. Did you know that when you work out Endorphins are released into the Brain. These Endorphins can help with Anxiety, Depression, Self Esteem, Fatigue, Anger, and even help you to eat less!
The gym I joined used to be like a place for football players to come and lift weights or body builders who lift for hours on end and leave to go eat and then return yet again. LOL The Couple that purchased the gym a few months ago didn't change much but they have made it into a Family Fitness atmosphere. I guess you could say it is not your typical gym. Nope. Anyone who works out here is getting an amazing and OH SO HARD Workout. No sissy stuff whatsoever. Just one of the reasons why I have enjoyed it is that they truly care and will do whatever it takes to help you reach your goals. I kid you not....Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser has a twin and she lives in my town and trains us day after day. She has NO MERCY! LOL but seriously, she pushes you like crazy. Helping you to realize you can do FAR MORE than what you thought was possible!
I am so thankful that my Mom asked me that question last July! thanks Mom. My Mom joined me in the weight loss challenge and I was sooo proud of her when she would work out with me. She is one strong lady!
Speaking of Mom, you will have to come back tomorrow to see what My Mom helped me do for my Birthday. I will be posting tomorrow (my actual birthday) about the Dining Room Makeover she and I did! It is sooo AWESOME :)

♥ Have a Terrific Tuesday my Friends ♥