This weekend we celebrated my Sweet Hubbies birthday! My Mom and Stepdad made a FABULOUSLY YUMMY DINNER ~ roast, potatoes, salad and yummy bread! I have said it before and I'll say it again.....My Mom is an
UH MA ZING Hostess! Whether she is serving dinner for her kids, her group of friends, or even some very important individuals she puts her whole heart into it EVERY.SINGLE.TIME....EVERYTHING.... Is JUST WONDERFUL!
My Honey holding BOTH grandbabies blowing out his candles! Happy Birthday to you...Cha Cha Cha
Every morning Brian fills his Tervis Tumbler w/tea and out the door he goes. One morning about 3 weeks ago, he set his cup on the back of his truck, got distracted, and drove off. When he realized what he had done, he knew ~ it was gone! To say he was sad would be quite the understatement! He looked and looked for his cup everywhere! You would have thought it was a lost dog or something LOL! Guess what he got from the kids for his birthday..... A NEW TERVIS TUMBLER....same color. same size! He was THRILLED!
It's the little things in life isn't it!
Our oldest, Krista, and our Precious Grandbabies, brought us sooo many smiles and Oh THE LAUGHTER!! ♥ them so much!
My Beautiful Mom and my sweet grandson
Happy Birthday Papa! Happy Birthday Honey! We all love you so very much! You are Gods gift to each one of us. Thank you for loving God first and for loving, caring, providing and leading us! We are so blessed by you and your love.