We began by having the Big Birthday Celebration over the weekend and then have jumped into all of the Homecoming preparations! Jen has had meetings, decorations to do, radio interviews, newspaper pictures, walk thru practices, homecoming parade, pep rally, and then of course the coronation to attend on Friday, all of this and her regular schedule of school and training each day for football! I might add in here that this is HIGH SCHOOL and if your memories can go back to those days you might remember how crazy High School can be and the drama that plays out day after day.
I have felt the Lord prompting me to make sure and sit down each day with both kids and JUST LISTEN. To let them share their hearts, their thoughts, concerns or just whatever they wanted to share. To really HEAR them and then to lead them to either lay those concerns down at the foot of the cross or to remind them of who they are and how loved they are by the LORD and by us, their parents! That no matter what happens during the course of the day or in the days ahead they belong to Christ and HE loves and adores them! To slow down and think about Heavenly things & not allow the things or situations of this world to get us off track but to Praise God for the positions HE places us in and pray that we Shine for HIM in all things!
For me, my Simple Pleasure this week has been very simply sitting, listening and praying with my Children. I am soo very blessed to be a Stay At Home MOM... ordained by God to have days like these!
Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people Eph 6:7
Today I am linking up with Dayle