Being in the "Thankful" month of November I am thinking how very special my JOY posts will be! If anyone wants to join in go here and link up with Angel @ All the Mus!
I count it all JOY today because I will be going to the Doctor about my shoulder and will hopefully be released to DRIVE!!!
I count it all JOY because my daughter is looking @ colleges and just this past week she felt the Lord drawing her to a Christian College which is only 20 minutes from us! Even though she will most likely be living on campus it is so wonderful knowing this is a possibility! We are all praying and know the Lord will continue to guide and direct her in her choices!
I count it all JOY because Jenna wrote this post on her blog and well, all I can say is my heart spilled over with soo much love and boy did I need the kleenex!!!
I count it all JOY because tonite our Rylee and Krista will be coming over for dinner and to visit NONI & PAPA
I count it all JOY that my Brother is in the 2011 FireFighter Calendar that helps support the Educational Clown Program

He has done some SERIOUS training to get his body in shape! He is amazingly diligent and obedient! My dad was the same way! If you say not to eat sugar or have any caffiene then by golly it is gone...no weaning themselves off of it! They just don't drink or eat it! It's a wonderful trait my brother has! I am certain he got that from our Dad ♥
What about you? What Joy have you experienced this week? Join in and help spread the JOY!!