My friend Angel hosts this meme and I am going to ask you guys to pray for her or to go visit her and let her know you are thinking of you her! She lost her Aunt yesterday and while she knows WHERE her Aunt is and WHO she is with, it is still very difficult! Please whisper a prayer for her and her family and her Aunts immediate family too ok!
Thank you all sooo much! Even in our loss we can count it all JOY because we know her Aunt is with the LORD! Praise HIM!
God has given us such a gift even in our pain we can rest knowing we will be with HIM someday and with our loved ones as well!! Thank you Lord!
I count it all JOY that I was whisked away by my mom on Monday for an "adventure!" My mom and I usually spend Fridays together but this past week she had been out of town so when she returned she asked if I would go to lunch with her. Then she shared she wanted a bit of a different scenery :) So we drove about 45 minutes away and spent the afternoon in a quaint little town having lunch and shopping in one of the most AWESOME little stores! I didn't even have to rush back because my Dear and OH SO WONDERFUL Husband picked up my son so that I could enjoy the day with my MOM!! JOY JOY JOY :) Thank you Lord for such an adventurous and fun mom and a sweet and wonderful husband!!
I count it all JOY that I was able to go and help my daughter at the doctor with our precious Rylee. Bless her heart she is cutting like 8 teeth all at once but has also been running a very HIGH fever! She spent the night with us as usual but we knew things just weren't right so the appt. was made and while many tears were shed during her evaluation the dr. told us he was going to have to catherterize her bc he felt she had a UTI. He explained he HATED to do these bc they are so uncomfortable but it was the only way to tell! Bless her heart and bless mommas heart! It was awful!!!! In the end, tears were wiped away, suckers were handed out, and hugs were given! Along with an antibiotic to clear this up and make her feel better! Poor baby! I count it JOY that I was there and able to help!
I count it all JOY that my friends will be treating me to lunch or coffee over the next few days or so, for my birthday, and that will surely make the time before my surgery not be spent "thinking" about it as much! Thank you Lord for the gift of Family and Friends who shower YOUR Love on me and bless me soooo!
What about you? What brings you JOY today? Hop on over to Angels and share and THANKYOU for praying for her FamilY!!
For you will not leave my soul among the dead
or allow your holy one[b] to rot in the grave.
11 You will show me the way of life,
granting me the joy of your presence
and the pleasures of living with you forever.
Psalm 16:10-11