Alot of you have asked and inquired about this as well! Here is what we have done: We basically made our own detergent:
1/2 c. Borax
1/2 c. Washing Soda
1/4 c. citric acid
1/4 c. Kosher salt
Use only 1 Tablespoon per load
My Ice machine!!
OH MY GOSH you guys! God is soooo GOOD! MY sweet husband talked to the man responsible for my ice machine quite a few times and OH how the LORD heard yours and our prayers!! He told us that I get to keep my ice machine for 3 weeks and get this...FOR NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE!!!! Isn't God SOOOOOO GOOD!!
Today we will get out and vote! It is the first year the my sweet Jenna gets to vote! She is pumped!

Thank you everyone for coming to the Magoos News! You all bless me soo!