My Beautiful Momma

Jen, Me and Mom
My brother, Mom and I

The clan
The OH SO SILLY clan :)
later Krista, Casey and Rylee came over to spend the afternoon with us
My kids made me rocks to go in my garden that they decorated and then I got a coffee mug from Rylee with pictures of all of us and her all over it! I love everything Thank you KIDS! My husband sent me Saturday to get my hair done. I got it cut and colored...Rachel spent 3 hours with me and I love my new hair cut and the color looks great! Thank you Honey ♥
My Mom got me some new work out clothes as tomorrow I begin the 30 Day Shred with all my Shred Sisters! We have started a new blog so you can follow our journey if you would like! Go here to follow us and encourage us if you will! I am so excited/scared to begin this! We have a GREAT GROUP OF WOMEN doing this Shred together and I am blessed to be a part of it!
Here is my before Pic....I have 35 lbs. to lose!

Happy Monday everyone