For Today...
Outside my window... The Sun is Shining Bright and Beautiful but my heart is heavy
I am thinking... about my Dad. It was confirmed that he has Lung Cancer. My quiet time in the Word yesterday was in Psalm 23. I felt the Holy Spirit with me and somehow knew this is what I would hear.
I am thankful for... The Strength, Love, and comfort from the Lord
I am wearing... Shorts and a tank top
I am reading... 1 Samuel, Psalms, "Leota's Garden" by Francine Rivers, &
"That's My Son" by Rick Johnson
I am hoping... they will be able to operate on my dad. At this point that is "if-y" because of the location of the tumor, BUT~ God can do ANYTHING. He finds out Friday.
I am praying... for my Dad, my Nana, who is alone and dealing with all of this, Lori and family, Heydon and Jennifer,and Mary my sweet sweet friend! Another Bloggy friend whose husband is also having serious health issues too.
Around the house... a Peace that Passes all Understanding
One of my favorite things... at dusk, watching the Lightning bugs dance across my yard, the beautiful family of Deer that come to graze in our back yard, spending time with my kids and Rylee, my sweet grand-daughter. The love and support my husband pours into me during this difficult time and seeing Gods hand so powerfully on my family right now
A few plans for the rest of the week... Jantzen finishes cooking school this week, My husband and I are taking a cooking class together on Thursday ~ yum ~ (wings, brats, shrimp dip)
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...