Sometimes, it is fun to put a new spin on thankfulness and Kmama hosts just the therapy needed for this ;0)
I have seen comments on Facebook, Blog, Twitter etc. about one thing just about EVERYWHERE.....THE HEAT!!

It is soooo HOT that I continually look as if I just stepped out of the shower! Thank you very much
Stepping outside makes it difficult to even breathe because of this heat! Thank you very much
Taking my grandbaby outside to swing (which is one of her favorite things in the world to do) finds me saying ~ "wait until it's not so hot sweetheart" ~ which NEVER comes ~ so we sweat and swing and then sweat some more!
Thank you very much
Going for a family walk is wonderful but returning demands everyone has to change clothes and/or shower because we are drenched in sweat! Thank you very much
On a serious note ~ Remember to drink lots of water in this heat! Dehydration is sooo easy in heat like this!
Happy Thursday and may you stay cool on this Hot Summer Day