This past weekend my Mom, Jenna and I drove to Nashville TN for a friends wedding. I used to babysit the bride YEARS & YEARS AGO. My Mom and Her Mom have been friends forever, it seems. With Facebook though, they have been able to really reconnect!
So when Mom received the invitation she asked if I would like to go....Go to a real Southern wedding....YA, YOU BETCHA I DO!
We left fairly early on Friday and arrived in TN around 9:30 pm. When we checked in, we were given gift boxes from the wedding party.....How awesome is that! Saturday we walked around downtown Franklin, TN. It is just the coolest downtown area!! There were some awesome shops and great restaurants as well. I wished we would have had a whole weekend just for that area. As we were leaving to go back to the hotel to get dressed for the wedding we walked by this cute little cupcake/cake shop. Of course, we had to peek inside and see what they had.... As we were talking to the lady I saw a big article on the wall sharing how they did Carrie Underwoods wedding!! Holy smokes! Really!! We absolutely had to try some of their cupcakes! Jenna and I got the BFF ~
Chocolate cupcake with cookies and cream icing and a oreo on top...... OH. MY. ~ d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s.!!! Honestly, I could have tried every single one of them! They all looked amazing and I'm pretty sure they probably would have been!

The wedding was at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens Oh my gosh you guys....This place is just Beautiful! My friends George and Betsy are always sharing the most amazing photos! They go to the Biltmore in North Carolina quite often, & I was so hoping to share some beautiful pics! Our hope was to arrive early and to be able to look around the gardens as well as take some pictures but you know how we women are when we are shopping.....We ran it so close that we were almost late for the wedding!
Since it was an Outdoor wedding, everyone was given a Fan...There's had 1Corinthians 13 on one side and their names & wedding date on the other
This is the Brides Maids and then the Maid of Honor which was her Sister....I LOVE their colors, don't you!

Just a beautiful setting for a wedding, wouldn't you agree!
Here is the Happy Couple walking down the aisle just after they were pronounced "Husband and Wife"....Look at those smiles!
Here is Jen, Mom and I at the reception
It was such a Gorgeous wedding and the Joy and Love of the couple was sooo obvious! I am so happy for them and know they will have many wonderful years together !!
It seemed like time just flew while we were in Tennessee! I absolutely love that state! It is just sooo pretty !! I would so move there if the opportunity ever presented itself!! I hated to leave but it is always good to get home! Missed my boys!
Hope you all had a great weekend! What did you do?