Monday, September 27, 2010

Hellooooo FALL

This weekend we worked sooo hard in our yard.....can you say Sunburn and Sore Muscles!! LOL Even so, I can tell ya we have NOOOOO WEEDS (woohoo) and NOW.....we are ready to decorate for Fall! I love the Pumpkins,gourds & mums on the big piles of Hay, don't you?? That will be next weekends project. The kids decked out the front porch for Halloween! Two trees ~ one with orange lites and the other has purple lights & webbing is everywhere! waa ahhh aahh ;) It looks awesome!!! It was sooo cool when the kids took us outside to show us what they had done all we could hear was a big huge hoot owl!

We woke up Sunday to VERY cool temps and it was only in the 70's during the day. PRAISE THE LORD, FALL is FINALLY here!
Isn't it funny how the weather change just makes everyone in a good mood! Even our dogs were hyper! They actually WANTED to be outside LOL We pulled out our hoodies, opened the windows and I made a big huge pot of chili! It was heavenly!

Ok Ladies~ Question:

Have you all heard of Jeggings? Well, I got some @ American Eagle this weekend and I have to tell you....

They are like have a pair of Pajama bottoms on! OH MY! They are sooo comfy and with my Ugg boots, I can just tell ya I will be wearing these babies ALL.THE.TIME!! This picture has a tiny person in them and trust me, I am NOT TINY but if you like to wear any type of boots in the winter these are PERFECT!!

I have some great books to read this week and some to review as well, come and check it out on my bookblog

The Word @ church was sooo GOOD and soooo IMPORTANT! I will be sharing about that tomorrow! I can't wait!

Have a blessed week and a Happy Monday :) Can I ask for you all to say a prayer for Traveling Mercies this week for my Husband? He will be traveling each day to different surrounding states for meetings! Thank you ~ It means so much having such powerful prayer warriors cover us in prayer!