Each and Every Wednesday
Angel hosts
Why We Count it ALL JOY If you look at my header it reads: Let us Spur One Another towards L♥VE and Good Deeds Heb. 10:24. Spreading JOY to me is just that! Spurring one another on with one of the fruits of the Spirit.....
♥ JOY ♥This week I count it all
Joy because:
Our Highschool Football team WON the first Play-off Game after 5 (yes FIVE) OVERTIMES!!
This time next week everyone will be off of work and out of school! We will ALL be together preparing for Thanksgiving!! WOOHOO
My dear friend Amy who works @ my Physical Therapy has started herself a blog!! You should
go say hello and share some JOY with her!
This will HOPEFULLY be my last week to sleep in my recliner! I can't even BEGIN to express the JOY this brings me!!
While my Stepmom was here I made some Fleece blankets ~ One for my new grandbaby :) One for my Nana for Christmas, and one for home too :) They are soo much fun to make and it gives me such JOY! My daughter made a HUGE one for all the Soccer games she will be working. This will be such a blessing because it gets soooo unbelievably cold at those games! They don't cancel for hardly anything!
May your hearts be filled with
JOY and may you be Blessed in ALL you do!
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness Gal5:22