Today I was blessed by Edie at richgifts! She made my dad a prayer button. We were sitting at the Mayo Clinic
waiting to go into Dads treatment and I pulled up my friend Andreas blog and saw my dads prayer button
along with two other men who are also needing prayer right now....Jim and Ron. Well, it brought me to tears and
it touched my dad soooo deeply! I was like Dad....this isn't even my blog!
He was SO moved!
My friend Andrea was so sweet to ask Edie to make this button for my dad and If I am not mistaken she also asked for Edie to make the other two! She has such a beautiful heart and always an encouraging word for those she visits so thankyou Andrea for your friendship and for being a part of this gift!
Edie has an amazing gift and uses those gifts to glorify the Lord and help those whom she doesn't even know. I am
one of those people! I have been so humbled at the things in which the Lord has done. I shared with Edie how along
this process the Lord has just shown His Faithfulness and whispered along the way "I am with you ALWAYS" and this
button was just another one of those examples! Thankyou Edie for being an instrument of HIS love, of HIS faithfulness
and for making such a beautiful button and to all who read it and pray.....THANKYOU!

There is a button on my side page if anyone would like to add it to their own blog as well. Thankyou so very much!
Love and Blessings!