We had just finished his radiation treatment and were driving home together. We opted to stop at the local Publix and grab a frozen pizza for dinner since my stepmom was going to attend an AA meeting and it would just be the two of us. As we are walking into the store I was just reveling at how I love these particular evenings....just me and dad, no big meal.....just a a frozen pizza and being together. Well as we stepped up onto the sidewalk almost to enter the store,he sways away from me and says "Loren, Woah I am feeling lightheaded" grabs the pole and the next thing I know he is face down on the cement. His face is actually in a sticky bush and he made a horrible groaning noise as he went down. I was in complete shock and fear. I was trying to help him up and especially get his face out of the sticky bush but was unable to lift his body. It was just dead weight. My dad was unable to help himself up, he had no control over his muscles whatsoever but was at least conscious. It took a bit for us to get him to where he could sit up and then a bit longer before he could stand up. When he did he kept saying his arm had gone numb. He was completely pale in color and at this point insisted we continue to do our shopping!!!! I was so upset at what had happened but couldn't believe he wanted to go in the store and shop! I stuck to him like glue and prayed all the way through the store. When we walked out he handed me the keys and asked me to drive. I asked him what he thought had happend. He said he didn't know but that his right arm had gone numb. I said, "Dad that wasn't just your arm it was your whole body." He knew I was right, and I said we have to call the emergency # when we get home.
Years back I had a friend who had cancer and towards the end of some of her chemo/radiation treatments she started falling and it wasn't long after that that we lost her. This was my first thought when Dad fell.....this was the first attack of fear.
The second attack of fear was when we found out that my dad had 3 spots on his brain & that the cancer had spread my Dad had shared with me that we had an uncle in the family who was diagnosed with lung cancer and then it spread to the brain and within 2 months he was gone. These 2 things went over and over in my mind. I also continued to have the picture of my dad falling and that horrible moaning play over and over in my mind and I would just break down in tears and then pray and surrender this to the Lord.
Upon returning home, we called the doctor and dad explained what had happened.....she said it is dehydration and that he has to start drinking water .....LOTS OF IT! my dad used to drink starbucks obsessively when he received his diagnosis he stopped immmediately, Now he drinks tea, unsweetened but still it is dehydrating him. So he accepted this and began drinking water immediately. Later in the evening I asked if he would please make an appt with his radiology doctor to tell her about this episode which upset him but he did it and today we saw her and she agreed. Dehydration. I am praying this is true. I am praying there is nothing else going on in his brain and truly it was nothing more than just a lack of water.
He is back to himself, praise you LORD!
While in the dr appt. today at mayo my daughter was having her 4 wisdom teeth pulled, She had called on the way there and I was able to pray over her on the phone and I could hear in her voice how badly she wished I was there. My son called me when the procedure was over and was so upset and seeing his sister like that and bless his heart he was being so strong, I don't understand why they allowed her to come out still bleeding. My husband sent me a pic of her and it is pitiful. When they got home my son asked me to Skype them and as soon as my daughter saw my face on the computer she started crying and so did I. When we get to heaven we will not have pain, nor sorrow, no tears! I wished at that moment the Lord could put me in my house so that I could wrap my arms around my precious daughter but I know the Lord has her in HIS. My husband and son are loving and caring for her and she had some friends show up and bring her a malt and brighten her night.
I know the Lord does not give us more than we can handle and this too I prayed and thanked HIM for today. All 3 patients are home doing well. Mom is recovering nicely, my dad is soo much better today and my daughter is doing better by the hour. God is Faithful. He was with all of us! He provided peace, strength, Power and provision! I praise HIM tonight for He is worthy to be praised!
I am going to ask you all something. Jesus is the LIVING WATER. No one comes to the Father except through HIM. My dad knows God but he doesn't know Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Please in praying for him pray for salvation. This is the most important thing my dad needs Thankyou!