My Husband & I have been doing alot of organizing, deep cleaning and just purging all that stuff we don't need. It feels so good to declutter and have order back!! To say we have made a few trips to Lowes would be quite the understatement! :) While shopping one of these times, we were looking for some lightbulbs and ended up finding something that cracked me up. Mood lights!

Has anyone seen these?? They are colored light bulbs! YEP, you read that correctly. Oh, it gets better! On each package you learn just what the color represents and where the best place would be in your home for that particular color. For Instance, Red=Passion! Great for the Bedroom (duh), Kitchen, Music Room, and more. I have always wanted to get Red & Green bulbs for Christmas time but I never had ANY IDEA that they came with such meaning!!!

It got me to thinking about how we are in our Christian Walk and if we Shine for Christ. Do we omit "Happiness " and hope that others will notice the JOY in our lives? Are we "Passionate" about Jesus?
Do we" Renew" our minds each and every morning? Do we experience "Serenity" despite what we may be facing because we KNOW God is in Control? How about "creativity" Being Creative for Christ can be sooo awesome and no doubt will bless many people!
As Believers I Pray we are being a Light for Jesus and shining brightly wherever we go! What about you, Which color best describes you??
I pray that as we grow in our Faith that our light shines brighter and brighter and never dulls or goes out!!
Thank you Charlotte, you shine so beautifully for Christ! Thank you for all you do!
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