Outside my window...
The sun is shining, wind is howling and it is still chilly
I am thinking...
How God cares for me and the Special ways He has shown me this past month
I am thankful for...
New Friendships
Seeing God move in the area of Forgiveness in my parents
From the kitchen...
I love watching the birds of all different colors eating our of their different feeders
I am wearing...
my pajama bottoms, and hoodie
I am reading...
John 15, Jesus Lifecoach, and Esther
I am hoping...
to have a good meeting with my Lifecoach tomorrow
I am hearing...
so many things that break my heart of marriages separating right now and praying for all of them to not give up!
One of my favorite things...
Just being with my children, I know some roll their eyes at that but I cherish every moment
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Friday with my mom is the best day we have soo much fun! no matter what we do
Here is picture thought I am sharing...