Thank you ALL sooo very much for your prayers! I wanted to give you all an update on how the surgery went. As I shared with you the plan was to go in and put in metal plates on both sides of his upper jaw and also to wire his jaw shut for minimum 1 month.
When the Surgeons got in there they found they would NOT have to put in the metal plates PRAISE THE LORD but did have to realign the bone under his left eye because it was twisted. They still wired his jaw shut so that he can heal properly. He is at home resting and recovering now. Again, thank you all for your prayers and for the prayers of the man who has done this. I pray he meets the Lord and finds Salvation and Forgiveness.
Today is my baby boys 13th birthday! I know he is far from being a baby but I know you all understand our babies are our babies forever! "As long as I'm living my baby he will be!" I love this book " I will Love you Forever" I still can't read it without crying! (pathetic I know) Today Jantz woke up and was given his favorite breakfast ~ biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns and of course coffee. Tonight we will all be going to one of his favorite restaraunts Tokyo Garden. This is where they cook your dinner right in front of you. He loves it and our whole family will be there to celebrate! I will post pics soon! Jantzen participated in the school spelling bee and ended up 4th in the Whole Entire School!
Jantzen from the day I saw you on the sonogram and knew I had a little boy I fell instantly in Love with you. You have always been the sweetest young man and you truly have a heart like David. I am sooo blessed to be your mom and so very proud of the young man you are today. May you continue to grow in the Lord, in HIS Word and Praising HIM every step of the way! Thank you for ALL the Sweet things you do! Dancing under the moonlight with me, rubbing my feet after a long day, warming up my corn bag, making cookies, reading with me and always wanting to just talk at the end of your day! Your kindness, thoughtfulness, and sweet heart teach me everyday and make me want to be a better person!
You have done such an amazing job with your dog treat business ~ your dad and I are soooo very proud of you! Always keep your dreams alive and make sure the ask the Lord to lead and guide you for it is far better to be in the center of HIS Will than ever doing things on our own!
Happy 13th Birthday ~ I love you sooo very much
Mowing with my Dad this past summer~ this is such a precious picture to me. It was the last time Dad ever mowed.
I've shared Jantzen's Canadian passion! Some friends got him this authentic jersey! It is hanging on his bedroom wall! :)
Just a handsome young man!
Silly pic ~ blurry too but I love this boy sooo
Please forgive me for not visiting today ~ We have Rylee ♥ and I just was able to quickly post this while she is napping! I love and appreciate you all so much!
Breakfast with the President
5 hours ago