Tuesdays Top 5 ~ A Family Affair?
1) My daughter has a blog and is a Fabulous Photographer and has a wonderful way with words! She would love some Followers and is asking for ideas on making summer cash!
2) My husband started a blog to show off his mad Photography skills as well! He also would love some followers! I am encouraging both of them to post daily so maybe if they have comments and followers and not just ME ~ LOL they might just do this!
3) My grandaughter appears in many of my posts!
4) My Son is looking forward to posting more book reviews on my book blog
5) My Mom is soooo sweet to read my blog daily and leave me comments too! Thanks Mom ~ I love you a bushel and a peck xoxoxo
Wanted to thank Kat @Heart2Heart for this award! Isn't it sooo pretty

Thank you Annette ! I love this one :)

This is from my friend Heather! She is a Proud Book Nerd and I just love this girl! :)

Thank you friends for sharing these awards with me and I pass them on to any & all my followers! I am just AWFUL @ awards! I can't pick just one to pass them on to.
Last, but certainly not LEAST! My Dear Friend Angel has an exciting announcement today so go here to share in her JOY!!! Love you Angel!!!