So, how are you guys? Did everyone have a Wonderful Resurrection Day and weekend?? We sure did!
The weekend started out a little early for Jenna. She called us from college on Thursday night asking if she could come home. She sounded AWFUL and felt even worse! We got her home and loved on her. Took her to the Dr. on Friday and she got a steroid shot, antibiotics, and a strong drug that he explained was like Mucinex on steroids LOL along with some cough medicine that will help her sleep. She didn't improve much before she went home, doggone it! She only has 24 days till Summer begins for her!!!
Friday night we were able to attend our Easter Service. It was sooo good! I shared with you all that our Church opened the doors to our new campus. On Easter weekend they offered 9 services! We went Friday evening and was THRILLED to see it was a full auditorium! All of us rejoicing our Risen Savior!
Saturday my Honey & I spent the day preparing for our family to come over for Easter Dinner. It was a wonderful day and we had a good time working side by side one another. I was so excited for my Mom to see the new Island centerpiece we found! So on Sunday when I got a phone call from my Stepdad letting us know that my Mom had been sick all night long and that they would not be coming I was soooo sad! Sad for her! The nasty ol' stomach bug got a hold of her BAD!!
(She is feeling better now, Praise the Lord!) We had all our kids home, our grandkids too! My brothers girlfriend and her Son and girlfriend also came. My brother is a Fire Chief and was on duty so he wasn't able to be there.
They were all soooo missed and it DEFINITELY wasn't the same without my Momma there! Goodness gracious, not the same at all!
We had drip beef sandwiches and pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, potato salad, baked beans, and chips&dip. IT WAS SOOOO DELICIOUS! Everything was made from scratch! For desert we had angel food cake and strawberries! What's better than having your family all together and celebrating Jesus? NOTHING!! :)
Here are some pics of our day:
He lives Indeed!
My Dining Room Table
This is our new Island Centerpiece Brian & I found! The pics don't do it justice though! We LOVE IT!!
Rylee hunting her eggs! She had a BLAST and LOVED finding them :) Look at her face!! So funny!
Me and My Jen ♥
My Beautiful Girls
Sweetest Kids ♥
PaPa made sure Bentley got this bat in his Easter basket. NoNi told PaPa during this particular shopping trip that he would probably be doing some damage with that bat, but did PaPa listen??? Nope, and guess who got the bat whacked over and over LOLOLOL I don't think he minded AT ALL, do you?? ;)
Ok, so we had a little visitor. I hear some squealing and some shouting so all of us inside ran outside. The "boys" were all out back looking under a rock. This usually means I better make a run for it because I don't like slimy, slithery things, or long hairy legs and definitely not anything in the reptile family! So can you guess what Casey pulled out from under this rock???
This LIZARD! He was NOT a Happy Camper either!! He was whipping himself in every direction trying to get out of Casey's grasp. He really was a pretty thing but not pretty enough for me to hold! LOL The grandkids loved it and well, SO DID MY DOGS!! It ended up getting out of Casey's hand and my Boxer jumped on that lizard sooo stinkin fast! Luckily, Casey was just as quick and was able to pick him back up and take him back to the back of the yard where he was safe!
It didn't take long after everyone had left for these two to fall asleep! We were all tuckered out!
How was your Easter??
Sunshine in the Soul
12 hours ago