What do we do when what we thought was suppose to happen ~ DOESN'T?? This seems to be the theme in the McGhee household this week. Whether it be school plans, work or recovering from this surgery. I was well on my way, doing my exercises, moving around, getting back in the groove and on the day before I was released to DRIVE again I injured myself by using my exercise chair and going a bit too out of range. SOOOO, I am back to square 1. NO activity, doing heat then cold therapy every 30 min. and unfortunately back to the really strong pain meds. I HATE them!!
I KNOW God is with us, and in ALL things GOD works good for those who love HIM and are called according to HIS purpose! EVEN this~ so we will rest in HIM and glorify HIM as we CHOOSE to NOT let these setbacks bring frustration but we have JOY in the midst of our circumstances!
Love & blessings to you all!
Breakfast with the President
5 hours ago