I am perplexed! What to do now that our Thanksgiving plans have changed!??!! What am I going to cook for Thanksgiving??? I have NEVER made a turkey in all my life! Now now, before you get all excited and say "NEVER?? Girl, you need to learn" or something to that affect....Here is a secret for ya....shhh! I don't like T.u.r.k.e.y!!!! (well, ok I do like turkey IF and only IF it is a deep fried turkey! YUMMY!!) I guess I will be a rebel this year and maybe fix some soup, or possibly roast a chicken, or better yet...I might just have my DH make some Homemade Tamales! Oh my! they are to-die-for! and His homemade Salsa! Scrumpdillyumpscious!!! (Oh the spell ck is having a fit with that word!!)
As for the rest of the time.... you know, shopping at the outlet malls that we would have done, going to a show in Branson...hmm, I guess we could go to a movie here at home and save a ton of money since there are NO outlet malls here! There is nothing that could replace missing my Mom and Stepdad..Nothing. ZIP. Zilch. NADA! That is the worst! They are going ahead with the plans and I hope they have a wonderful trip, just the two of them! My Moms sister moved to Branson just about a year ago so they will go visit her & her husband, have desert, and who knows what else the four of them will do!! LOL
We will put up our tree, decorate the house and get the lights put up :) We will go to the Playoff game and Cheer our boys on! Be proud of them no matter what the score is! They are the one of four teams that have EVER made it this far! That is something to be thankful for! Something to be VERY PROUD OF for sure!
Yes, as my dear friend Darcie said "Thanksgiving is what you make it." We have sooo much to be thankful for! God has blessed me beyond my wildest imagination! No matter where we are ~ I am Thankful!