1) Rylee arrived last night and brought us sooo much laughter yet again! Isn't it just the most precious thing watching a sweet baby fall off to sleep!! Jenna was able to rock her to sleep last night and it was just soooo sweet! Praise you Father
2) This weekend is PROM!!! Can you say....BUSY!!! Jen has asked us to serve dinner to her & her boyfriend, along with 2 other couples here at our home
We will be serving ~
Shrimp cocktail as the Appetizer
Dinner will be Steak, Baked Potato, Green bean bundles along with a House Salad
Desert will be Chocolate Heaven
After prom we will be having a Progressive Afterprom Party ~ They will go Glow bowling from 12 -2 am then to one house for games 2-3 am, then indoor swimming at another house 3-4 am and then back here to our house 5 am for an outdoor movie and Breakfast! We will put up a big screen and projector in our back yard for them to watch hopefully the video they took of their night! They are going to have a Blast!! Watch over them Lord ~ Please
3) I got 3, yes THREE new books in the mail yesterday to review :) Don't think I will be starting those this week ;) Help me Lord to use my time wisely
4) I had a friend come over for a visit and we prayed together. I felt the Lord lift so much pain and grief! Thank you Lord for loving me sooo much and bringing me into a New Season
5) Had the BEST session to date at Physical Therapy yesterday :) Thank you Lord!
6) I have a bloggy friend who has been on an amazing journey with the Lord in Jerusalem! It has been sooo powerful and exciting to see all HE has done in and through her and can't wait to hear more and more! Please pray for her as she travels home today!! Thank you Lord for all you have Provided, Anointed and the Breakthroughs have only just begun! We Praise you Father!
7) I love being able to sit with my precious Rylee on my lap and read to her ♥
I cherish these days Lord, thank you
8) Going to go for a walk in the beautiful sunshine today and work out in my front flower bed! Thank you Lord for your beautiful creation and beauty in all of the wonderful flowers! Such Joy and Wonder you have provided for us!
9) 6 weeks of school left!!!! BRING ON SUMMER :) Thankyou Lord for the different seasons you give us!
10) I pray everyone has a blessed Tuesday! Give a special Touch today Father to each person who reads these words, YOU and YOU alone know what each one needs, their hopes, their hurts, their circumstances .... Meet them right where they are LORD! Praise YOU!
Love and Blessings,