Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Health Challenge

I am so blessed to live where I do. It is a small town that has grown considerably in the last 10 years but it still has the small town feel. We have excellent schools and the community is just amazing. My Husband has lived here since he was in Kindergarten! There was only 1 elementary when he was in school and now there are Eight Elementaries!! WOW Anyway...Focus Loren ;) Focus

I heard about this thing called the Winter health challenge and have decided to join in! We met last week for the first time! Our Family doesn't watch much TV but one show we do not miss is BIGGEST Loser Well, the speaker last Thursday evening was Season 8 winner Danny Cahill. He lives in a town about 15 minutes from us and was invited to be the guest speaker. Also on the Season 8 was Sean Algier. Sean works at the Church that is Hosting the Winter Health Challenge. So Sean and Danny have remained friends and let me tell ya, these two are funny!! Danny shared some great tips and was full of encouragement.

Some of the hi-lites that Danny shared were:

Lose your Quit! - what have you given up on? Why are you ok with quitting? Say good-bye to quitting and Press On!
Lose your Regrets! - Don't live your life regretting the past...learn from the mistakes and move on! Stop looking back!
Lose your Lies! - Do you believe the lies the enemy tells you? The Lies you tell yourself? The lies others tell you? STOP IT! Listen to what and who God says you are!
Find your Why!!- Why do you want to accomplish the goal you have set ?? When you find your "why" set it before you to remind yourself of the goal...your inspiration to continue on !!

I am really excited to do this Winter Challenge! My friend Stephanie from StephTmomof3 is my accountability partner! In doing the health challenge we are given opportunities to go work out at many of the gyms for FREE. I NEVER realized how many work out facilities we have but goodness gracious it is ALOT! I can't wait to see which one we like. My husband is doing this as well so I can't wait to go work out together! WOOHOO

WHO KNOWS.....Maybe I can look as good as Danny does once he lost all his weight? LOL