I spoke with my Dad yesterday. He had his first round of chemo and sounded good. This was a talk about life ~ what's going on in our lives, what we did over the weekend, how are the kids instead of the status quo...".the dr said this, we are going to do that"
It was so sweet and it spoke volumes to my heart. One time this summer my dad said to me as he was leaving a message for his brother ~ there he is all caught up on what is going on. I said "Dad, people don't just want an update~ they want to hear your voice, your heart, how you are doing ~ not what is the latest report!" It breaks my heart that he doesn't know that we genuinely just care about HIM and not just the FACTS of him. Anyway when I got off the phone I just cried and thanked the Lord for the precious conversation.
It seems everything I am hearing or reading is about slowing down our lives. You know when the Lord is trying to tell you something.....that message seems to be the theme in everything you hear, read, or talk to others about. But seriously how much slower can it be? I have been DOWN for 3 weeks now and am asking the Lord what exactly that looks like?
I am going to spend the rest of the day in the kitchen....I am going to join my new friend Diana at To Everything a Season and enter her giveaway and also get some really great fall recipes! So if you want to ~ go visit Diana here and come back tomorrow for my entry :) PUMPKIN BARS....YUMMY
May the Lord bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine on you, may He turn his face towards you and give you Peace!
Number 6 24-26