Do you know my friend Angel? If you don't, you should go meet her! I know you will love her like I do! She hosts this awesome meme and I don't know about you but I think it's awesome to have a friend who looks for the Joy in every situation! I hope you will join in and help spread the JOY
I am filled with JOY
because yesterday we woke up to Lightning, Thunder and Rain! Oh ya, and MUCH cooler temps! We seriously needed the rain! Rylee and I went outside and just sat on the porch listening to the storm! It was sooo peaceful! I loved watching her face when it would thunder and how she snuggled up to me for protection! Sweet JOY indeed
It was the last day of summer as well yesterday ~ well, as far as school goes....So since it was raining outside Jenna decided to build a tent :) Rylee thought it was sooo much fun and boy did it bring back the memories of when the kids were little
Joy filled faces don't you think?? :)
My son is just the sweetest young man! He is full of L♥VE and has given me sooo many hugs these past few days because he says "I will be at school and won't be able to give you as many hugs!" Joy to the brim I say!
My kids are starting school and while this does NOT bring me JOY LOL ~ I am choosing to be joyful knowing the Lord has wonderful things in store for this new school year!
What about you ~ What brings you JOY today?