Today is my Birthday! Yep, Today I am 45 and I must say: I have been looking forward to this particular birthday for quite some time! I am certain you probably couldn't guess why. Go ahead .... ask me ;)
When you turn 16 ~ typically you have a Sweet Sixteen party and bright and early on your birthday you are in the car driving to take your drivers test and receive your license.
When you are turning 18 ~ You can vote, order products off of TV and QVC lololol, and, you are now considered an adult
Having those milestone birthdays are always soo much FUN don't you think!?!?!
Turning 21, or 30, and then 40. Wow, it all goes sooo fast!
So why am I excited for 45? Well, because .....I LOVE those reader glasses. They come in such an array of colors, shapes, and designs! I have always heard that around 45, your eye-sight will need a little help especially when looking at something w/ small print or maybe just hard to read. So is it true? Have I noticed a change in my eyes today since you know, I am 45 now. ha! The answer: Yes, I am beginning to see a change and I will embrace it ! WoooHooo! Bring on those reading glasses!!! :) I want some in every color please LOLOLOL

Now, for my Dining Room Reveal! Let me say this: I am not, hmmm, how can I put this? Well, I am not great @ decorating. I am getting more of an eye about it but I still go to my Mother for most everything! She has beautiful taste and knows exactly how to place items Perfectly!! So when I had a vision of what I wanted, I called Mom and asked her to help me. As we sat & talked last Friday she asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I thought about it and realized what I wanted was for her to help place pictures going up the stairs. Eventually she said "Honey, I don't think we should go up the stairs but rather I think you could put these up in your dining room on that HUGE empty wall." Hmmm, that just might work!
So we got busy. We had the BEST time! Laughing til we Snort or almost wet ourselves LOL Just doing whatever we wanted, being crazy and surprising ourselves with our carpentry skills! So here ya go!
Here it is in all it's empty glory :) A big empty wall! Seriously, we have lived here almost 6 yrs!!

Here is my Halloween or Fall center piece for the table.
These pics are hanging on a very small wall. I LOVED these pictues! This was last year when all the Trainer girls and Managers came over and did a photo shoot in our kitchen! It was sooo much fun! Rylee thought so too don't ya thing ;) !!

Here is my buffet. This was not in the plan and I did this by myself. I am so sorry I forgot to take a before picture. Everything on the table is new. I LOVE these lamps and that CLOCK!! LOVE IT!!
Last but not least here is my wall. My Mom and I worked sooo hard! My DH had to go out of town so Mom even spent the night! What a treat is that!!! We got up the next day and got back at it! Worked all day again. you would think it wouldn't take that long but we had to go shop for the frames then lay it all out, clean the glass, measure the wall, etc. Mom & I got pretty good at it! Just don't ever ask me about the Level, er I mean measuring tape. loll
Thank you MOM, I LOVE my Birthday present as well as the time I was able to spend with you! I am sooo blessed to be your daughter!