Yesterday I had a wonderful day! Put in another flowerbed. I am getting really good at working that shovel ;)
Around Noon my Mom came over and we made some lunch and sat outside to eat. It was just gorgeous! Then I cut her hair and shortly after that my Son got home from school. (Another Mom and I take turns picking up the kids and yesterday was my day off) My Mom will be going out of town to see some of her high school friends! They haven't seen each other in YEARS and I'm sure you can guess what in the world brought them back in touch with one another.... YEP, FACEBOOK!
Anyway, she is so excited and wanted to go to one of our very favorite places to shop- the Gypsy Rose! It is an AWESOME
little boutique! I got some cute flip flops :) As I am paying for them, I get a text from my Honey. It reads....
I will be home around 8pm.
WAIT?? WHAT??? You will be HOME??? OUR HOME??? Are you messing with me or are you really, really SERIOUS?
He was Serious! He arrived just shortly after 7 and will be here for less than 24 hours BUT ....HE"S HOME!!
So if you don't mind I am going to go enjoy my husband :)
Hope you all are having an awesome week!
The Wintered Tree
18 hours ago