I am soooo very excited to blog today! I am everyday ~ but when I see my friend be able to share with others and spur them on, well, that just makes me excited! Angel hosts this Meme and today is the First Count It ALL Joy for us to share in!! Come on and join us won't ya!
I am filled with JOY because I was able to spend most of Monday with Angel! We set out to have coffee and ended up having lunch and a snack (ok the snack was for Rylee but I took a bite or two). I told the people at Panera if I went to the register one more time I would have to order dinner ;) We had such a wonderful time talking, laughing, and letting God lead us ♥
I am filled with JOY because tonight was the opening night at the Fireworks stand and of course we were there! My son and DH are well, Pyromaniacs LOL and tonight began the first of many Fireworks shows in our driveway!
I am filled with JOY because when I took Rylee to meet her daddy she didn't want to leave ME and that just makes a NoNi feel sooo good and very loved ♥
I am filled with JOY because this Friday my Mom is going to take ME and all the grandkids to see Toy Story 3!!! We are Toy Story freaks! Woody, Buzz, Mr & Mrs Potatohead ....OH MY :) JOY JOY JOY
I am filled with Joy because Tomorrow I will announce the winner to my Chocolate giveaway! If you haven't entered go HERE because the deadline is 10p.m. tonight!
I am filled with JOY because Truly Gods Word is ALIVE and ACTIVE and has been speaking straight to my heart this week! I just L♥VE it when the LORD speaks to me ~ don't you!
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy ~ Job 8:21
Won't you join in and share your Joy with us! Go here to read other Joy-filled posts