September 11, 1992
I awoke my husband (somewhat early) and said "Honey, I think my my water JUST broke" He didn't pay me much attention and rolled over and went back to sleep. I thought hmmm, well I guess I will get in the shower and had ALOT of pain in my back. I had never had a baby before so I didn't know that this would prove to be "having contractions" Woke my husband up again and told him what was going on so he started timing the contractions, got ready to go, stopped and got gas and him something to eat. Arriving at the hospital they were able to prepare everything in time and at 6:45 pm that day I was blessed with my baby girl....Jenna Marie. We were surrounded with family....My mom, my stepdad, Krista, my brother, all of my husbands family and soon after she was born my Nana and Aunt and Uncle arrived. It was a glorious day!!! She was the most beautiful thing we had ever seen.....so sweet. NO ONE COULD TAKE THEIR EYES OFF OF HER! We were all head over heels in LOVE

Nine years go by, It is now September 11, 2001, and we wake up with plans of celebrating Jennas birthday at the ice skating rink later that evening. We were living in a town with the hopes of moving and had purchased land to build a home in a town about 25 min. away and had gone ahead and enrolled Jen in school there. They started school much earlier there so I was on the road much earlier then the owasso moms and stopped by my best friends as I was heading home because I had gotten a call from my husband about the first tower being hit. She is alot like me ....we just don't watch tv so I knew she would have no clue. She was on her way to school as well and said she would call me later. Well of course like everyone~ we can all recall exactly what we did that day, all of the emotions, the fear, the rage, the unbelief! I went to get Jenna and just remember the looks in peoples eyes ~ parents somewhat shielding this from their young ones but looking deep within the hearts of each other and so many hugs, tears and just a coming together. There was such a unity on that day and for many days after. The sky became quiet yet the roads and yards became a sea of RED WHITE AND BLUE.

For years after this Jenna did not want her birthday to be September 11th, and people really didnt help. When she would tell people her birthday was September 11th they would gasp, or say "OH!" or would have some sort of response that was not positive or somewhat freakish. Then one year her daddy had a car wreck and broke his arm and that just about did it.....She was really not liking her bday. But ~ I have reminded her over & over again......Honey it was on this day that more hearts than ever were turned back to the LORD. It was on this day that America united in a way like never before. It was on this day that peoples hearts towards one another became softened, forgiveness went forth....relationships were saved.....Yes, Life as we knew it changed on that day and I pray for our leaders and our nation and as I take my quiet time and remember, praying for those who lost loved ones. Praying for those who are rebuidling their lives even still today ~ my heart goes out to them!
Today is September 11. My daughter is turning 17. She is now a beautiful young woman. She has a heart for the LORD and for HIS people. She is at times a silly little girl and at others an independent woman trying to find her way. She is funny and kind, loyal like no other and as happy as can be. She teaches me everyday so many things ~ she has an inner strength that shines forth in all she does. She loves all people of all kinds and knows that if they are in her path the LORD has sent them and prays she is a light for HIM. Today and everyday it is I that receives the gift....the gift of being Her momma.

Happy Birthday Jenna Marie.....I love you a Bushel and a Peck and hug around the Neck. You are my precious Babygirl.