This has just been a Joyfilled week I must say!! Let me share why I am filled with JOY ~
Because No matter where I go I am NEVER alone ~ God is ALWAYS by my side! JOY Unspeakable
Even though my husband had to go out of town unexpectedly for the whole week I was able to spend some Sweet Quality time with him and even have a lunch date @ a new restaurant before he left town :) ♥ Pure JOY
My sweet boy Jantzen held my face in his hands and said "Mom, do you know how much I love and appreciate you?" Oh my! Sweet Sweet JOY!
Rylee is quite the talker! Yesterday she was sitting in her high chair coloring while I was cleaning up the kitchen & out of the blue she says" I love you Noni"....sniff sniff....She said it without me saying it first!!! Melted my heart completely!! Precious JOY I tell ya Just PRECIOUS
Last night was my daughter's VERY LAST open house EVER @ her school. We were walking through the halls and my Sweet Jenna grabs my hand to hold it!!! I am sooo blessed! I had other Moms stop me and say, "why is your daughter walking around with you? Mine wouldn't come because they don't want to be seen with me?" Isn't that sooo sad! Here my daughter ASKED me to go and not only came with me but she's holding my hand while walking around :):) EXTREME JOY!!
Thursday we get to go out to dinner with my Mom and Stepdad! Yay!! It is always tooo much fun when we are all able to go out for the evening! Papa (my stepdad, but Papa to the kids) doesn't always get to join us so when he does ~ it is such a treat!!!
We have a Holiday weekend coming up and well, those always bring me JOY! How about you? What has brought you JOY this week???
Share it here with Angel and help spread the JOY