I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
I've shared with you before about how the Lord speaks to me when I am mowing and today proved to be yet another day in which HE spoke. I've also shared here before that years ago we began working with a Life Coach and the Lord has done a HUGE work in me and in my husband but also in our marriage. When the LORD works in you as individuals, HE also wants to help you as parents, so of course it will cycle down the ladder to your children. WE learned soo very much about who we are. Who we are in HIM. We learned about how our past truly affected our relationships today and we looked deeply into that and together with the Lord we have broken so many generational curses. They do not have any power over our future but more importantly over our childrens future. Our children have seen us work diligently to make our family, our marriage and our walk as believers as strong as possible. They see the LORD working in us to be a team for HIM no matter what the circumstance!
I remember at one point of us doing our work we had some friends going through a class at Sunday School that dealt with marriages and making them stronger. The teacher of the class told them that by the end only 1/4 of the people would be there to see the completion. He explained further that people have a hard time looking within and really allowing the pain, truth, and/or confrontation to come out into the light to be healed. And true to what he said...the class windled down couple by couple.
I have to say....this has been true in the case over the years as we have referred friends, couples who we met and were having troubles in their marraige, or people we would meet in ministry who were having family issues. Our Life Coach would meet with them and at times they would meet for awhile but honestly the majority would stop. WHY??
If we could only grasp just HOW VERY MUCH the Lord wants to heal those inner wounds, those deep needs that only HE can fill. For some, the hurt and pain that began when we were just young children but that still affect the way we handle our relationships today can be healed! Is it hard. YES! Is it one of the most difficult times you will walk through. YES.
You know the verse "May I decrease as HE increases!" What I learned as I took this journey through the fire was that alot of what the LORD took from me or rather allowed me to release were the things that were things straight from the enemy.....
Shame, Sinful thoughts or ways, pain, lies ~ you get the picture. But to me, they were reality and yet... I was a Believer. I knew the Word, I had a relationship with the LORD and still I wasn't walking in the victory the Lord had for me.
It took almost losing my marriage to seek help and honestly the enemy almost won. By that I mean, the enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy. That could mean any number of things. For myself, it was keeping the generational curse of divorce going. Keeping sinful spirits alive and attempting to pass them down to my children and most likely my grandchildren. BUT!!! GOD MOVED! HE HEALED! HE FANNED THE FLAMES AND THEY BURNED HOT! HE walked my husband and I through the FIRE with ONE who would keep the flames from burning us but would burn away the things that were not of HIM.
Today while out mowing I felt the Lord saying to remember....to encourage those who come in my path that ~ IF they will CHOOSE to walk through the Fire ~ HE will be with them. They will face their fears, wounds will be healed, futures will forever be changed, relationships restored ~ but even with all of this .... add to that ~ the walk you once had with the Lord will also be RENEWED & STRONGER than you ever knew possible! For some it may even be finding a relationship with the LORD and walking with HIM day by day, learning about all that HE has for you!
Always remember
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength! Phillipians 4:13....With HIM ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!
The Wintered Tree
18 hours ago