Sharing from Jesus Lives by Sarah Young today.....May these words go down deep and wash over all who read them!
YOU ARE MY BELOVED. Although you experience many difficulties in your life, I shield you all day long. You cannot imagine what your life would be like if I were not protecting you continually. The adversity I do allow you to experience is ultimately for your good and MY Glory. You can rest secure by trusting MY Protective Presence is with you always, no matter what trials you may be enduring.
You must be secure about one thing above all else. you are most assuredly the one the Lord loves! In fact, I love you so much I carry you through your toughest times. Beloved, you can even rest between My shoulders like a lamb being tenderly carried by its shepherd.
In addition to being your Shepherd, I am also like an Eagle caring for it's young while they're learning to fly. Though I stir up the nest~ getting you out of your comfort zone~ I watch over you constantly. When your strength fails as you are "flying" and you start to plummet, I spread MY wings and catch you on them. I continue to carry you until you're ready to fly again. The better you understand MY constant, nurturing watch-care, the more you can rest secure in ME.
I pray everyone has a blessed Holiday weekend! To join Spiritual Sundays go here