Bags packed (check)
Hair appointment today (check)
Manicure and Pedicure appointment today (check)
Groceries bought and put away (check)
Gas for Generator in case of power outage (check)
Firewood loaded and ready to keep everyone warm (check)
As you can see I will have a fun day today ~ I am getting my hair done and my nails and a pedi woohoo! But in that back of my mind I am wondering if it is necessary.....They have increased our snow and added substantial ice to the forecast. In Oklahoma well, we just aren't prepared to handle this type of weather!! DISASTER was in the forecast ~ yep ~ the meteorologist actually said Disaster! LOL Nothing like sending everyone into a PANIC
Here are a few of the Facebook Status' I read last night:
Here at walmart with the rest of the town
comment: OH! I thought everyone was here at Reasors with me! :)
Make your bread, toilet paper, and milk run NOW! Oh wait, they are all gone!
As you can tell, we are all calm ~ no need to worry .....NOT! I will keep you posted....
Love and Blessings
Breakfast with the President
5 hours ago