As we celebrate our Risen Lord, reflecting on ALL HE has done for you and for me.
He was God, in the flesh. Living as we do, yet living a sinless life, conquering ALL temptation. His Ministry of Love, Healing, Teaching, and showing undeniable Compassion for those in need. HIS resurrection that allows for the Gift of Salvation. HIs Resurrection ~ removes the sting of death for you and me.
I think this anonymous poet sums up the life and ministry of Christ best:
HE who is the Bread of Life, began HIS ministry hungering
HE who is the Water of Life, ended His ministry thirsting.
HE who was weary, is our true rest.
HE who paid tribute, is the King of Kings.
HE prayed, yet hears our prayers.
HE wept, but dries our tears.
HE was sold for thirty pieces of silver, yet redeemed us.
HE was led as a lamb to the slaughter, but is the Good Shepherd.
HE died and gave HIS life, and by dying destroyed death for all who believe.
May you all have a blessed weekend and find yourself shouting for JOY.... HE IS RISEN!!! Thank you JESUS!!!
Today I am linking with Spiritual Sundays